PAL Program

Project Accelerated Learning (PAL) provides a no-cost extension to the school day for students in grades Kindergarten to Grade 3. This program works to accelerate and extend learning for students. Our motto of “Every Minute Matters'' focuses on the robust nature of the program. Students engage in social/emotional learning, small group tutoring and enrichment programs, goal planning, whole group community exploration and enrichment, physical activities, and dinner. 

The mission of the PAL Program is to accelerate students’ learning through meaningful small group instruction aligned to the Bristol Public Schools curriculum and grade-level standards; enrich students’ learning through in-service activities and field-trip opportunities provided through community partnerships; and to strengthen families’ engagement and connection with the school and their community.

Our community partners include Indian Rock Nature Preserve, Ascension Athletics, Imagine Nation Museum, Bristol Public Works and Bristol Police Department. The PAL Program continues to explore additional support services to collaborate with and to further our mission.

The PAL Program operates from 3:30 PM (3:00 PM on Wednesdays) to 6:00 PM Monday - Thursday at Ellen P. Hubbell Elementary, Ivy Drive Elementary and Southside Elementary. We are not in session when Bristol Public Schools are closed.

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